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Geographical Index:
Geographical Index: ASIAN HISTORY
I n f o r m a t i o n
»The history of Asia can be seen as the collective history of several distinct peripheral coastal regions such as East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Middle East linked by the interior mass of the Eurasian steppe.«
-- More information: Wikipedia
C h r o n o l o g i c a l I n d e x
1. Ancient History:
Assyrian History,
Babylonian History,
Chinese History,
Greek History,
Hittite History,
Indian History,
Israelite History,
Persian History,
Roman History,
Sumerian History
2. Medieval History:
7th Century,
10th Century,
11th Century,
12th Century,
13th Century,
15th Century
3. Modern History:
16th Century,
17th Century,
18th Century,
19th Century,
20th Century,
21th Century
G e o g r a p h i c a l I n d e x
1. Central Asia:
Afghan History,
Kazakh History,
Tajik History,
Uzbek History
2. East Asia:
Chinese History,
Japanese History,
Korean History
3. South Asia:
Bangladeshi History,
Indian History,
Nepalese History,
Pakistani History,
Sri Lankan History
4. Southeast Asia:
Burmese History,
Cambodian History,
Indonesian History,
Malaysian History,
Philippine History,
Singaporean History,
Thai History,
Timorese History,
Vietnamese History
5. Western Asia:
Arabic History,
Armenian History,
Azerbaijani History,
Iranian History,
Iraqi History,
Israeli History,
Jordanian History,
Lebanese History,
Palestinian History,
Saudi Arabian History,
Syrian History,
Turkish History,
Yemeni History